Student Support
UDM Clinic

Services Offered
Medical Services Offered:
Annual physical exam
Consultation with school physician
Over-the-counter medications
Health seminars
Infirmary care

Dental Services Offered:
Over-the-counter medications
Annual Oral prophylaxias
Tooth Extraction
Minor treatment at school clinic
Dental Seminars

QR Codes for Consultation

News Articles
Evaluating the Impact of ClinicCare System: A Technological Advancement in University Healthcare Management
Setting the Benchmark for Digital Transformation in Healthcare
Transformative Impact of ClinicCare on UDM’s Operations
ClinicCare System Garners Positive Responses from Faculty and Students
UDM Library

Universidad de Manila Library History
The Universidad De manila (UDM) Library was established on October 15, 1995, second semester of School Year 1995-1996, at the 2nd floor with the area of 1566 square meters, which can easily accommodate Three Hundred (300) to Five Hundred (500) students and faculty. Prof. Flora O. Go, Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) gave the order to prepare the floor plan of the library, staff and others on October 24, 1995. The people responsible for this are: Saturnino R. Himoc, College Librarian IV, Ana Ruvi Grafilo, Librarian, Maria Jellie D. Coching, Librarian and two (2) Library Technicians, Russel M. Calamba and Meriam M. Uayan.
Through the support of Prof. Flora GO (VPAA), furniture, equipment, books, non-book materials and others were solicited and purchased immediately. Since the library was not fully equipped, only few students/ faculty/ employees/ researchers were allowed to enter. With the effort of Mr. Himoc and very supportive, energetic and dynamic administrators, President Amado Dizon (1995-1996) and Dr. Benjamin Tayabas (1996-1997), the library facilities were provided thus making the library a conducive place for learning.
Luckily after two (2) years of continued operation of the UDM, the library was a successful recipient of donations from foreign donors like Books for the Barrios, headed by Executive Director Nancy Harrington and Book Bank U.S.A. thru the courtesy of Mr. Allen Gobel. For local donors, the Manila Movers Lions Club adopted the UDM library as its priority project for donations of books in Metro Manila. There were also non-government organization public and private agencies that continued supporting the UDM library in the form of donation. Full Time/ Part Time Faculty Members, Students, Supporting Staff and neighboring establishments were very encouraging in campaigning to solicit books and other library materials to increase collections.
In 2017, during the term of President Atty. Ernesto P. Maceda, Jr. with the help of Mrs. Rebecca M. Jocson UDM library expansion was done with 700 square meters and 191 sitting capacity to accommodate more students. In the same year, UDM Downtown library extension was constructed. In a subtle way UDM library became a more conducive place for learning and research.
1.Library Hours:
2. Authorized Users:
2.1 All bona-fide members of Universidad de Manila (Administrators, Faculty, Student, and staff)
2.2. Alumni who were honorably discharged
3.3. Researchers and members of other educational institutions, permitted by the regulations of the library.
3. Library Conduct:
3.1. Noise
- Silence must be maintained at all times. Loud conversations, laughter, and any other unnecessary noise are strictly prohibited.
- Mobile phones are set to silent mode. If you are attending an online class, kindly use headphones to minimize disruption to others.
- Use of music in forms of laptops, mobile phone and other music devices through headphone is allowed given that it is on low volume and must not be audible to others, music may not be played through speakers.
- Taking phone calls is strictly prohibited inside the library.
- Photography and filming are permitted for educational purposes only, with prior consent from the adviser, teacher, or Deans with the approval of University Librarian.
- Treat Library staff and other users with respect and courtesy.
- Refrain from shouting, using abusive, discriminatory, indecent or offensive language, comments and/or behavior, verbal or physical harassment.
- Library staff strictly prohibit all forms of abusive behavior. Please notify a staff member if you wish to report inappropriate conduct by other users.
- Smoking (including e-cigarettes/VAPE) and consumption of alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited within the premises.
4. Library Transaction
4.1. The Borrower’s card is strictly non-transferable, and library privileges must be personally exercised. The cardholder assumes full responsibility for all borrowed materials, any instance of lending or unauthorized use of another individual’s Borrower’s card will result in penalties.
4.2. Courtesy and respect shall be observed. The Library practices the semi open-shelf system, whereby library users are allowed to enter the stacks for maximum resources utilization.
4.3. Borrower’s card is validated utilization.
4.4. Handle all library materials with care Do not write, highlight, or underline in books, and refrain from mutilating any items.
4.5. Return all borrowed items to enable fair usage by all users.
4.6. Renew loans or return them within the specified time frame or as requested by staff member. Failure to do so may result in clearance being withheld.
5. Safety and Security
5.1. Do not leave your valuables unattended. The library cannot be held responsible for any loss of valuables left unattended.
5.2. Before leaving the library, make sure that the book/s or other materials that you are carrying have been properly issued to you.
5.3. Be vigilant and report to the library staff anybody acting suspiciously.
UDM Guidance Counseling and Psychological Services

The Guidance, Counseling and Psychological Services (GCPS) is the one in charge of providing and creating a program to support the whole academic community in terms of molding well-functioning individuals who are aware of their own abilities, interests and needs. It recognizes unique culture of the students as it geared towards the achievement of the university’s mission, vision and directions.
In line with this, several programs and activities are being prepared to ensure that the GCPS works towards the fulfillment of its mission to help the students see their capacity to be socially responsible professionals who demonstrate love for their country It envisions to be a student centric office that is able to contribute in molding ethical leaders creating a positive impact to society through the effective delivery of guidance services.
The main objective of the GCPS program is to assists the students in their personal/social, academic and career concerns through effective and professional delivery of guidance services.
Counseling Service integrates all the data gathered about the individual and his/her environment, for them to make sense. It is a goal-oriented relationship between a professionally trained, competent counselor and an individual seeking help to bring about a meaningful awareness and understanding of the self and environment, improving planning and decision making and formulating new ways of behaving, feeling, and thinking for problem resolution and/or development growth.
Information Service is an activity whereby descriptive materials and media are accumulated, organized, and disseminated through individual advising or counseling or planned group activities.
Individual Inventory Service systematically collects, evaluates, and interprets data to identify the characteristics and potential of every client. Data can be used in proper diagnoses, predicting progress and behaviors, accurate placement, and program evaluation.
Consultation Service is the activity engaged in by the individual when his/her expertise is requested by another party or organization, usually to enable the latter to assists another-a third party or an organization.
Follow Up refers to a guidance service that checks the current functioning of those who underwent counseling and other mental Health services. It helps determine the status of the person who received assistance and what other assistance must be rendered so that the service is complete and holistic.
Referral is the assistance rendered to clients or their significant others in obtaining services from other people or agencies that might be effective in helping them. Usually, referrals are made to other people, particularly specialists, who might be in a better position to respond to the peculiar needs of the client.
Placement is the facilitation of the clientele’s movement to the appropriate educational or occupational level or program; entry into the appropriate co-curricular and extracurricular activities; pursuit of further education or other employment upon leaving the institution.
Prevention and Wellness are the goals of Guidance and Counseling and the rationale for many of the services and activities offered by the Guidance Program. Considered as a service because of the physical, emotional, interpersonal, and financial cost of dealing with a disorder
Research is the attempt to unearth the needs of the institutional community, establish the need for improvement, validate new strategies, techniques and interventions and discover different alternatives for attaining goals.
Testing Service The student’s strengths and weaknesses in the areas of personality, aptitudes, interests, needs and job skills are assessed through the use of standardized tests. Test results are interpreted to the students by their respective guidance counselors for self-awareness, growth and development. Test interpretations are also made available in groups.


UDM Peer Facilitators: Simple Gift Giving Activity
The Peer Facilitators organized a gift-giving activity on December 19, 2024, to spread joy and bring a sense of warmth to our fellow students...

UDM Breaking the Cycle: Mental Health Counseling Seminar
The seminar, “Breaking the Cycle: How Counseling Can Help You and Your Students”, was conducted on 29 October 2024 at Unibersidad de Manila. It...

UDM The Power of We: Unlocking the Potential of Inclusive Belonging
The seminar titled “The Power of We: Unlocking the Potential of Inclusive Belonging” was held on October 17, 2024, at the Universidad de Manila....